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WD1M - Radio DXFUN Cluster

Visitas: 3876
Bob Gilmore
Solo para usuarios registrados

United States

CQ: 3-5 - ITU: 6-8
Continente: NA
E-mail: Solo para usuarios registrados
Hobbies: Radio
Ocupación: Engineer for ESPN
Registrado: Nov 11, 2014
Usuario LOTW:
Coordenadas: Latitud: 41.19172
Longitud: -73.06193
Spots: TX: 424 - Mapa    RX: 31 - Mapa
DXCC Trabajados DXCC Confirmados Puntos
0 0 0



QSL Direct or via Bureau.

If there’s something related to Radio, Broadcasting, RF & Audio, I’m likely to find my way there. It’s something I have in my daily diet.
My early years as a teen hanging out in radio stations and TV transmitter buildings have helped shape my hunger for the business. I started doing announcing part-time in 1976 and still do some limited radio announcing today for a couple area radio stations in Connecticut.
As a part-time announcer I spent 14 years doing Sunday mornings for WEBE 108. In the big picture, I was hired at ABC Radio as Project Engineer in 1999. Assignments were to build new control rooms and support affiliates with the Starguide III rollout. During my tenure I found myself upgrading systems, supporting all the studios and control rooms. I was promoted twice in my 9 years there becoming Systems Engineering Manager in 2008 before I came to ESPN in Bristol.
ESPN Radio has been my home to my daily diet of radio since May 2008. Some of my most enjoyable moments in the business have been spent here at ESPN Radio with the expansion of our new Control Rooms and Studios in 2011, and being a key part in launching our own uplink to affiliate XDS Satellite Receivers.
My hobbies are quite centered on radio as well. I’m a licensed Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator, call sign WD1M, and served as President of the Fairfield Amateur Radio Association in 1991. I did two DXpeditions to Iceland. 1989 and 1990. I hope to go back and do that again.

My current Shack for WD1M is a newly constructed room from a space in my basement that used to be a dirt floor and stone walls. I hand dug out the basement and installed a floor and room where I now have a great place to escape to and enjoy the hobby.


73 de WD1M - Bob

Shelton, CT USA

      DeFreq.      DXComentarios UTC      Fecha
WD1M 28074 4O5JDFT8 18:22 15-Feb-23
WD1M 28016.9 S58Ncw 18:02 15-Feb-23
WD1M 28008.9 GM0OPSCW 17:59 15-Feb-23
WD1M 28020 IS0GQXCW 17:56 15-Feb-23
WD1M 28018 E77DXCW 17:32 15-Feb-23
SV1BY 28074 WD1MFT8 -06dB from FN31 321Hz 17:00 19-Oct-22
EA4FME 21075.3 WD1MIN80 FN31 FT8 FT8 Sent: +03 Rcvd: +04 13:59 31-Aug-22
LW2EDM 14074.3 WD1MFT8 Sent -03 Rcvd -11 01:24 24-Jun-22
IW6DGJ 24915.4 WD1M73 Tnx FT8 14:32 22-Mar-22
OK2DIK 24915 WD1MJN99AS FN31KH 14:45 10-Feb-22
F4UJU 10136 WD1MFT8 -08dB from FN31 549Hz 21:17 08-Dec-21
SP5GSM 7074 WD1MFT8 -18dB from FN31 1588Hz 00:34 10-Mar-21
HI5MAH 18101 WD1MFT8 -11 FN31KH FK48KF 18:36 01-Jan-21
WD1M 21074 IT9RZRFT8 14:14 08-Dec-20
HI5MAH 10137 WD1MFT8 -14 FN31 FK48KF 22:16 21-Nov-20

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